Atomic Me
My husband bought me a book, which I already partially read on the Libby app. Atomic Habits, which was interesting enough, so I will give it another, this time complete, read through.
This will go hand in hand with the redesign and remodel of my blog. Visually it hasn’t changed that much, but I have removed all of my old posts and I am beginning anew. Perhaps I will revisit some of the old post and publish them again, perhaps not. One big introduction is a new category (Dear You) in which I will write letters to people in my life, in order to express and deal with my feelings. They won’t read the letters of course, but that’s a good thing, as I will bluntly say what is on my mind.
I am currently working on making changes to my life (I know I know … AGAIN??!?), but this time I will start small, just like it is suggested in the book, and work myself up to become a person who has a better handle on life and actually does things. I know I am just saying this, but I feel optimistic that small changes will be a better approach than what I have tried before, which was always a hasty, desperate attempt to redirect the ship 180 degrees during a stormy night. Never worked, always fell overboard.
My first better habit that I am creating is journaling every night before going to bed. This is already helping me keep track of the days that are normally just passing by in a blur. It makes me more aware of my time and how much time I am wasting, doing nothing. It is also an exercise in writing, and I am making good use of my new laptop (blog machine!).
Like I said, I am optimistic. And quite frankly, I have no other choice than to hope that I can nudge the ship into the right direction, slowly and bit by bit. The alternative to that would be to give up, but I cannot. If I was to give up on change, I’d might as well kill myself, because the way things are right now, I just cannot live like this anymore. This is not a life.